Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday Morning in Photos

This morning was absolutely beautiful. The forecast called for it to be hot and humid by the afternoon with a cold front and thunderstorms predicted for the evening but at 9:00 am it was picture perfect. Light breeze, warm but not too hot and the smell of spring and goodness filled the air. Before Ellie headed off to school we sat on the porch and watched this guy for awhile. He was having a leisurely breakfast of ants. Luckily, for me, (not so much for him) there are not too many ants crawling across the patio but there were a few for him to slurp up with his tongue. Ellie thought that was so cool to watch. I wish I had a slow motion video of it.

Ellie sat on the stairs as I took this photo of her. She is wearing her 'I (heart) St. Jude' t-shirt. We certainly do heart St. Jude. It tops our list of blessings and I know that God directed us so strongly to go there for cancer treatment. It is a spiritual place and so full of hope.

When I came home from bringing Ellie to school, I returned to the back yard armed with my camera. I sat and took some random photos - whatever caught my eye. As I have said before, the life in our yard is so vibrant. It is a thriving presence that I am so grateful to be a part of. It's not just all of the birds, animals and plants but it is us. Ellie, me, Steven and Emma. I am so thankful that Ellie is here with us and we have this time to enjoy. I am drinking it all in and savoring every minute. It is bigger than me and I am thankful that I understand it now and can be an active part of it.

Here are some of the things that caught my eye this morning.

Male Bluebird waiting for his two kids to catch up to him. They were still hanging out around the corner. He has that patient dad face but I can tell by their teenage years he is going to lose it.

Mr. Squirrel, one of at least 8, that loves to chow down on the cracked corn that Steven so generously puts out.

Pretty purple perennials (say that 10 times fast) that are growing in the back garden. I don't know what they are but they spread all over and the humming birds love them.

Catmint in the back garden. I had the longer lens on the camera so the pretty delicate detail of this flower is lost but what I like about this photo is the cat sculpture lying in the front of it. Presumably, zonked out from inhaling all of the catmint. :)

I sneaked (or is it snuck) up on Tucker as he was dozing away on his bed. He definitely lacks some of the guard dog mentality that Austin and Shane used to have. You could never sneak up on either one of them. Tucker let out a big yawn and got up to find a tennis ball. Such is his life.

This is one of my favorite views. I love to sit on the patio and look at these beautiful planters. Occasionally a little 5 lined Skink (lizard family) will emerge from the wall for some sun and my view is complete.

After my time outside, I headed in to find a crazy kitten playing with a puff ball from some forgotten craft project. Kanye would carry that puff ball around like it was a mouse and flip it, pounce on it, and bat it around the kitchen floor. Charlotte and Phoebe were watching him from their sun spots with disgust and perhaps with just the slightest bit of envy.

Charlotte is just not that into you Kanye. Sorry. She may seem interested but really she isn't.

Now Phoebe on the other hand offers you the best chance at friendship. She will play with you and wash you and let you share her sun spot but sharing food, well, that is a different story.

He is a crazy little guy but he is so darn cute.