Friday, July 23, 2010

P is for Pizza

Steve left yesterday for a few days in New England for work and Emma headed to my moms for some grandma time; leaving just me and Ellie in the house. We are so thrilled to have each other all to ourselves! After we cleaned Emma's room (and removed our hazmat suits) we headed to the grocery store for homemade pizza fixings. I haven't made pizza in ages and I don't think I have ever done it with Ellie. So off we went.

We have a new grocery store in town. Well sort of, it really just has new owners and a new name and a new philosophy. These new owners have thrown all of the Christian values that this older store used to embrace out the window because you can now shop on Sunday and buy booze and lottery tickets. Personally, I am liking the changes or shall we say improvements. The other super cool thing they have is one of those fabulous Redbox DVD kiosks. Can I proclaim my love for the Redbox now? Love, love, love it! So easy and so cheap. Ellie picked out 'The Spy Next Door' and I chose the 'Book of Eli" both fairly new movies for only...wait for it... two bucks! Two dollars for two movies and I didn't have to talk to anyone. No one asked me if I wanted a tub of popcorn or wanted to enroll in a frequent movie was heaven and did I mention only two bucks?!?

Our pizza making endeavour was quite fun. We made half cheese and garlic for Ellie and cheese, caramelized red onions, pepperoni and garlic for my side. Aesthetically, it wasn't much to look at but it sure tasted wonderful. I watched my movie after Ellie went to bed and it was pretty good. Had a neat little twist at the end which I always like. So far, our girls weekend is off to a great start!

Pizza ingredients...check!

yummy onions...check!

Cutest pizza chef in the world...check!

Spreading the sauce with precision...check!

Everything in place and ready for the oven...check!

One delicious pizza ready to eat...double check!