Friday, January 15, 2010


The heartbreak in Haiti is certainly hard to watch. I am grateful though that out of tragedy, people go to their knees. Praying, donating, feeling the pain of others and wanting to help. Trials arise in our life. Some big and some small but it's what we do at that moment that can turn heartbreak, loss and pain into something positive. God is that constant. He didn't do any of this but He is there to pick up the pieces and help us find our way.

I was watching TV and someone asked 'Where was God? Why did he let this happen?' I know God can stop something like this in a second but that is not always part of his plan. We as a people have free will and bad things do happen. People turn to God in a tragedy and they seek what really can heal them. He doesn't always intervene to stop our pain and suffering but He is there with us to comfort us as we go through it. That comfort means everything. When your heart is with Jesus, I really believe things will turn out for the best. I don't understand why some suffer more than others but Jesus greatly suffered for us and shed His blood for us so we could have eternal life. When our friend Wendy suffered so much in the final weeks of her life, I kept thinking that she was more Christlike than ever before.

As I perused the images on of the earthquake, this image stood out to me. The hope that this one photo gives. When all else is lost, Jesus will remain strong and vigilant forever by your side. Continuing to pray for the people of Haiti.
