Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Ornaments

I am working as hard as one of Santa's elves these days getting all of the holiday orders for Tickle Bellies out the door. 10 more days or so of the craziness and then I am thinking I can take a break. I have been able to sneak in lots of online shopping over the last two weeks so I am actually chipping away nicely at my gift list. Kudos to me and to online shopping too! So since I am soooo busy right now with work and not venturing out of the house much, I thought I would show you some of the ornaments that adorn our tree.

Our Christmas tree is quite the hodge-podge of ornaments. Some are handmade by the girls, some are of their favorites characters or shows from whatever it was they were into that particular year, there are those that Steve and I got together as a couple or that were given to us and then ones that I have fallen in love with and purchased myself. I try to get at least one special ornament each year. So many memories hang on those branches. There is nothing better than sitting with some hot cocoa at night in front of the tree reminiscing.
So here is a little photo display of some ornaments that adorn the Bouchard Family Christmas tree.

This beautiful ornament sits atop the tree, a bit crooked, but I love it!
Williraye are one of my favorite collectibles and I have many pieces throughout the house.

This was a wedding gift. So glad it hasn't broken over the last 18 years

Ornament from my girlfriend Laurel from many years ago

Emma made this in elementary school

Ellie loves Ariel...
She got this several years ago but still smiles each time we take her out. Oh and she sings too.

This is probably my favorite ornament. I bought this the year Steve and I were married to go on our first 'official' Christmas tree. Classic Hallmark. The cookies in Santa's belly move around and now it is one of Ellie's favorite ornaments.

Krinkle ornament that I got in a cute shop in downtown Richmond a few years ago.
Sadly that shop became a casualty of the recession. :( ba humbug!

Just look at them!
Ellie was about 13 months old & Emma is 7.
We lived in Marlyand at the time of this photo.

I believe my mom got this for me. She knows I love birds almost as much as Ellie loves Ariel.

More Williraye - sigh...

This is for our Shepherds - Austin and Shane. We miss them

This snowman isn't technically on the tree but he is sitting at a neighboring table so I am including him. Another cute Williraye snowman.